Welcome To Project Night Sky
Project Night
Sky is an independent initiative operating on the internet and
social media and membership is open to all interested persons,
regardless of their knowledge or experience. Astronomy is an interest that can be deep and
intense or light and casual. It really doesn't matter how deep your
passion lies, because we cater for everyone! Whatever part of astronomy gives you goose
bumps: maybe its just appreciating the view, and beauty of the universe,
or a deeper desire to contribute to the advancement of this wonderful
science, playing with gadgets and gizmos, or just want to talk about the
stars. Telescopes & Accesories
The Telescope Shop
is internet based. They
have the largest range of Telescopes in South Africa. Telescopes ranging from 60mm to 500mm in diameter, reflecting telescopes, refracting
telescopes, Casegrain telescopes and accessories.
Matters Of Interest![]() For more news, interesting articles, information, and stunning imagery of our Universe. Visit the PROJECT NIGHT SKY Facebook page "Like" the page and share your experiences, images and observations in our quest to popularise ASTRONOMY ! SOLAR DYNAMICSDedicated to Solar Observation and Solar Activity, the Solar Dynamics Facebook page will feature observations, images, news, articles and links of our star, The SUN. ASSAJoin the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa (ASSA) and receive your Annual Sky Guide to find out more about the fascinating subject of astronomy. STAR PEOPLE &SOUTHERN STAR PARTIES (SSP)STAR PEOPLE is an astronomy outreach NPO, promoting astronomy, maths, science in general and the beauty of our universe. Also find them on Facebook ... Click here 'Star People' |